Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cinema Solubile

The event poster!

Thanks to Jan Klug and to the Frank Mohr Institute in Groningen we have been able to organize for the 100 years of the Futurist Manifesto another edition of Cinema Solubile, our small temporary autonomous zone format for cinematic creativity.
The recourrence will be double, because it will also recur the 10th year anniversary of “UNOROSSO”, the improvisation poetry reading project kept up by Fausto Casara and Federico “il cane” since the 1999 futurist manifesto anniversary in Rome (Italy). You can ear some of our recordings on the still not dead website on myspace if you like, yeah I know, myspace sucks…
The Event will be split in two evenings.
the first evening is the 10th, were the 11 makers will be introduced to our audience and to the futurist message. You will be welcomed by the resident unorosso orchestra with sounds, historical recordings, poetical readings and a dynamic lecture by Federico “il cane” Bonelli about the importance of futurism in post tidal ecumenism of the XXIst century. At the end of the evening the makers will put in the hat their one-liner title for a short film and after a sacrifice to the robotic muses they will pick from Marinetti’s hat their destiny and depart with their own task.
In the second evening, the 11th of february, the short films will be presented to the audience and thereafter destroyed. The unorosso orchestra will stay available to the makers for eventual live sonorization of the films and to provoke the audience with more contemporary poetic terrorism acts.
The chosen location for the event is the RKZ bios in het Oude RKZ, Emmastraat
15 in Groningen.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Hendrik de Vries grant

The Hendrik de Vries ’08 grants were awarded on 21 January 2009. These grants were established by the Municipality of Groningen in 1986 as a tribute to the poet, painter and draughtsman Hendrik de Vries (1896-1989). Every year, the Municipality makes two grants, each worth € 6000, available to two up-and-coming talents in the creative arts. This year, the prize was oriented toward the visual arts.

There were six candidates. The Frank Mohr Institute was well represented with no fewer than three former students (Freija Eshuijs, Daniël Machado Valentim and Alex Winters) and by the current first-year student Sonja-Vanessa Schmitz. The other candidates were Feiko Beckers and Michael Karr.
In conjunction with her sister Sarah, Freya Eshuijs won one of the grants. The jury was extremely enthusiastic about their co-production.

Kasper van Hoek January 28th 2009 (1st)

Tryout of a new, handmade guitar like instrument with some Max/MSP processing as well (through Arduino boards).

Kasper van Hoek January 28th 2009 (2nd)

Tryout of a new, handmade guitar like instrument with some Max/MSP processing as well (through Arduino boards).


Presentation: Sonja Vanessa Schmitz
Photo: Sahal Merchant


Presentation: Sahal Merchant
Sahal Merchant 2009


Presentation: Michael Dotolo
Photo: Sahal Merchant 2009


Presentation: Kasper van Hoek
Photo: Sahal Merchant 2009


Presentation: Hideki Kanno
Photo: Sahal Merchant 2009


Presentation: Eleanor Grootoonk & Sonja Vanessa Schmitz
Photo: Eleanor Grootoonk & Sonja Vanessa Schmitz 2009


Presentation: Avik Maitra
Photo: Sahal Merchant 2009