Queens Night April 29
Party opening Xpo live Music Sound Performances Film DJ Eustachian Ladyscraper and more..
PLANETART Wibautstraat 150 Amsterdam 19-02h damage 5 euro
Technological Singularity#2
Exhibition May 3 – May 28 mo-fr 14-17 (we are closed May 17-21, welcome at Kunstvlaai-Artpie)
Frank Mohr Instituut, Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in the Arts and Emerging Media - Interactive Media and Environment presents:
Adri Schokker . Hideki Kanno . Sonja Vanessa Schmitz . Sarah Janssen . Avik Maitra . Hsien-yu Cheng . Waanzinprodukties . Pasquale Direse . Francesca Bardaro
19.00 - opening expo Technological Singularity # 2
20.00 - Introduction on Singularity by futurologist Arjen Kamphuis
20.15 - TooD, audio live performance (Michael Todolo + Sahal Merchant)
Kasper van Hoek, audio live performance
21.00 - Brothers of Metal, 2010 film by Arno Coenen
Art hooligan Arno Coenen's journey through the metal heart of Europe. Prepare for serious iconoclasm, from thrash to black and beyond. animation : Arno Coenen music : Alex Kloster text Marinus de Ruiter
21.30 - Sgure (Freaka Peaka) (Fr)
Extreme violent bursts, silence, speech, hard rock samples, strange atmospheres, Burgers , American Idol Icon, crackles, retardation, puking static, rocking a gabber party, cutting a worm in half and watching both parts moving, get a watch tatoo on his wrist, confusing videogames with music, drawing little puke characters on friends faces …»
22.00 - Ladyscraper (USA)
chaotic vocal driven live grind/gabber/breakcore
23.00 - Eustachian (USA)
neurotic speed driven metal fused breakcore
**.** DJ Kid Goesting