Seminar on ‘Research in Artistic Practices’
Wednesday 28 October 2009, 15.00 – 18.30
Frank Mohr Institute, Singelzaal, Radesingel 6, Groningen
In the context of ‘October, Month of Knowledge Month’ the FMI Master’s course has organized, in conjunction with Kenniscentrum Kunst en Samenleving (Knowledge Centre for Art and Society) a seminar on the vision of research within the FMI Master’s course. Theory and research occupy an important position in the curriculum of the three Master’s programmes (Painting, Scenography & Art Direction, and Interactive Media & Environments). The precise role of research within artistic practice is the topic of broad and international conjecture. Depending on the interpretation of ‘research’ and ‘artistic practice’, various standpoints have been taken on this issue.
To the Frank Mohr Institute, the significance of research within the Master’s art programmes has been a moot point for some time. The publication entitled Let’s Bake the Future (2007) gave the programmes the opportunity to speak out on this theme and, more recently, Dieter Roelstraete, a guest author in the Frankie Says Mohr catalogue (2009), also reflected on this question. With a knowledge centre and a lectureship looming on the horizon, the FMI Master’s course again wishes to focus on ‘Research in Artistic Practices’ in a further exchange of ideas with tutors and students. The following questions will serve as a starting point in this discussion:
Which forms of research can be relevant within artistic practice?
Are there important differences between individual and shared artistic research practices?
Which position can these research practices occupy in a Master’s programme?
Within this framework, which relationship can be formed with the knowledge centre and the lectureship?
Guest speakers at the seminar will be:
Anne Nigten *
Alejandra Wah **
Jeroen Boomgaard ***
Margo Slomp (discussion leader) ****
* Anne Nigten is the initiator and director of ‘The Patching Zone, a praxis lab for transdisciplinary research and development’.
** Alejandra Wah is an alumna of FMI IME (2007) and is currently a PhD student at the University of Groningen (Art, Culture and Media).
*** Jeroen Boomgaard, as a Lector of Art and Public Space, is affiliated to the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and the University of Amsterdam
**** Margo Slomp is a Theory lecturer in FMI Painting and a lecturer in Art History at the University of Groningen
15.00 - 15.20 reception with coffee / tea
15.20 – 15.30 opening by Simone Lippens (programme manager pf the Knowledge Centre for Art & Society)
15.30 – 15.50 Anne Nigten
15.50 – 16.00 question round
16.00 – 16.20 Alejandra Wah
16.20 – 16.30 question round
16.30 – 16.50 Jeroen Boomgaard
16.50 – 17.00 question round
17.00 – 17.20 break with snacks and refreshments
17.20 – 18.30 discussion of central issues, supervised by Margo Slomp.
18.30 conclusion
The Seminar is accessible to all interested students and teachers at Minerva Academy of Art, FMI Master’s course, and the University of Groningen.
English will be the language of communication.
The programme may be subject to change.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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