Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bert Otten: guest-teacher iME

Research projects:

Partner in "CAREN", a Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment. The project is aimed at developing a computer controlled environment for the assistence of rehabilitation of patients with movements disorders.

Several projects concerning the control of movements in humans, such as walking, standing and changing direction.

Project together with the University of Calgary (Canada) on muscle mechanoreceptors.

Projects on the quantification of movements of babies in the first few months together with dr. M. Hadders-Algra.

Project on the biomechanics and control of the human jaw system.

Key Publications:

Otten E (1988). Concepts and models of functional architecture in skeletal muscle. In: Kent B. Pandolf, Ph.D (ed.). Exercise and Sport Science Reviews, Vol 16: 89-139, McMillan, New York.
Otten E, Hulliger M (1994). A finite elements approach to the study of functional architecture in skeletal muscle. Zoology: Analysis of Complex Systems (ZACS) 98 (4): 233-242.
Banks RW, Hulliger M, Scheepstra KA, Otten E (1996). Pacemaker activity in a sensory ending with multiple encoding sites: the cat muscle-spindle primary ending. J Physiol (Lond) 498: 177-199

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