Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Enoch Cheung @ Blindspot Gallery

Blindspot Gallery
Blindspot Gallery is set up to bring contemporary photography, an art form that has entered the blind spot of the Hong Kong art market, to a higher degree of visibility and through its quality exhibitions, provide its audience a different level of stimulation. Blindspot Gallery focuses predominantly on contemporary photography. Being one of a small number of galleries in Hong Kong committed to this area, we see increasing appreciation, understanding and popularity of contemporary photography as its major missions. We feature both established and emerging photographers and artists, mainly from the region but not limited to.

A gallery space on Aberdeen Street near Hollywood Road in Central, opposite to the former Police Married Quarters soon to be re-opened for art and cultural exhibitions. The gallery hosts approximately 6-8 exhibitions a year

Enoch Cheung

Artist Statement

About ‘Secret dialogue: about children hospital’ (2009)
‘Secret dialogue: about children hospital’ contains a dual screen High Definition video and a series of panoramic images, about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children in Hackney that was closed down in 1997. After the hospital was closed down, there were burglar and passer-by entering the hospital without permission, now the site is guarded by security. For more than ten years, the empty site intertwined with the history of the children patients, the hospital staff and the interlopers. The remains from people establish certain hidden dialogue.
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About the video
The image and the use of effect are simply ‘triggers’ of the thinking of the past and of the compressed childhood life from an empty site that was abandoned. The video attempted to by ‘triggering’ viewer’s short-term memory, then to explore individual value about life and death.
About the photography
Time seems frozen at the site, but subtly mixed with different interferences by different people at different time. The linear installation of the images leads the audience to witness the interlacing timelines of the history of the hospital.

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