Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Open Day Pictures

Marcel de Vries

Marcel de Vries

Marcel de Vries

Marcel de Vries
Overview IME lab

Overview IME lab

Marcel de Vries


Janine van Veen

Janine van Veen
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Max/MSP MeetUp


I'd like to invite you to the first Max/MSP MeetUp Groningen, on 12 march, 14h!
An exchange for people who already work with Max, a possibility to ask questions for those who are curious about it, a chance to see what people do with it.
Share your ideas, show your patches (and what you did with them), discuss your patching problems!

There'll also be some performances; one by Kasper van Hoek (self-built instruments / chaotic live sequencing) & Jan Klug (pataphone / theremin, non-rhytmical live looping), one by Nenad Popov (audiovisual generative organism taming).
If you'd like to show something yourself: Great! Let me know (especially if you need something else than a projector & sound).

For those who're not sure yet what Max is: the Cycling '74 website explains it.
[btw, Nenad also has experience with PD, the open source sister of Max].

The event is organized by the Max users group Groningen, and hosted by the IME (InteractiveMedia&Environments) department of the FMI (Frank Mohr International Masters), Academy Minerva. Location: IME_Lab in the basement of Praediniussingel 59, Groningen. 

Hope to see you there!