I'd like to invite you to the first Max/MSP MeetUp Groningen, on 12 march, 14h!
An exchange for people who already work with Max, a possibility to ask questions for those who are curious about it, a chance to see what people do with it.
Share your ideas, show your patches (and what you did with them), discuss your patching problems!
There'll also be some performances; one by Kasper van Hoek (self-built instruments / chaotic live sequencing) & Jan Klug (pataphone / theremin, non-rhytmical live looping), one by Nenad Popov (audiovisual generative organism taming).
If you'd like to show something yourself: Great! Let me know (especially if you need something else than a projector & sound).
For those who're not sure yet what Max is: the Cycling '74 website explains it.
[btw, Nenad also has experience with PD, the open source sister of Max].
The event is organized by the Max users group Groningen, and hosted by the IME (InteractiveMedia&Environments) department of the FMI (Frank Mohr International Masters), Academy Minerva. Location: IME_Lab in the basement of Praediniussingel 59, Groningen.
Hope to see you there!
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